Monk Mode 101
There may be 3 reasons why you’re here:
- I asked you to because I care about you.
- You’ve been dealing with some ‘Stuff’ in life lately and the words “Monk mode” sound something like you need in your life to start afresh.
- It’s just something you’ll read today to forget tomorrow. (Don’t be that person)
What is monk mode?
Monk mode is a deliberate process which is done to take a break from your mundane life and make drastic changes in your life which will help you throughout your life. It includes elimination, addition, alteration of your daily activities, habits, addictions, mental state completely/partially.
Do you need it?
- Do you have a sense of self-doubt?
- Do you have insecurities?
- Do you have suicidal thoughts?
- Do you have anxiety?
- Do you have trouble falling asleep?
- Do you wake and you don’t know what to do?
- Are you a slave of your mind?
- You spend your time doing things that you regret later?
- Do you have good relations with everyone you know?
- You don’t know what you’re capable of?
If your answer to more than 5 questions are positive(i.e yes) then you should give it a try.
What to do?
- Self- reflect - The most important aspect of monk mode is that you should be aware of everything that has been going on or happening in your life, you should ‘even be aware of being aware’. Since there are so many parts of your life such as physical health, mental health; family, relationships; education, career; Here is a little exercise: Write it down. On a paper. With a pen. Everything that bothers you, whatever it is. Be brutally honest with that page, you’ve any insecurity? write it down, you’re in a relationship you don’t want to be into? write it down, no one will ever know except you what you feel about yourself. Write until that page starts to look like a mirror and you can see yourself clearly in those words. Because that’s the real you. Chances are you’ll be disgusted with that page, but calm yourself down, it is a process.
- Self-isolation - It’s hard to completely ignore someone you know and not converse with them, chances are you might turn out like an A-hole. So what you can do is limit your human interaction to 2% If you know 200 people on average, you can only interact with 4 humans till the monk mode ends. I’d recommend blood relations, Mother, father, brother/sister. It also includes completely alienate human contact whether it’s physical or not, no social media, remove those apps. Completely.
- Food and debauchery - It might be tough for you if you call yourself a foodie, enjoy munching random snacks in middle of the night, junk food, all those sweet dishes and soft drinks, alcohol, any addictions, tobacco or smoking, or other sensual pleasures. You’ve to give them up completely. Because there’s a reason you’re reading this right? Look at the page I asked you to write. What shall I eat then? you might ask: Eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, drink lots of water, eat what is available to you easily, you eat in a hostel mess? Eat whatever is made, good or bad, eat to satisfy your hunger, you’re home and your mom cooks food? You’re blessed. Eat whatever she cooks for you without saying anything. Be grateful.
- Physical activity - Wake up in middle of 5 – 6 a.m, “But how?” I don’t know how!, oh so you never did it? Well you’ve never been sane so you’ve to do it. Go for a walk in your local area not less than 3 kms. If you always wanted to go to gym, then go to the gym when there’s no one except the trainers (after noon). Meditate for 30 minutes max, no music, no rain sounds, no oppo, vivo. Just sit idly and let the thoughts wander inside your head, don’t try not to think about something, for it will only make it hard for you. You can do cycling, swimming, don’t do it upto the extent of enjoying it, you’re just moving your body.
- Work - You wrote your goal on that paper right? or didn't you? if not, please go back and write atleast 3 goals, it can be physical, mental or related to your career. Now ask yourself what you can do to be better at what you do? do you need to pickup some new skills? Do it. You want to be a hardcore gamer? then play, improve your forte.
- DON’T - Put a story on social media that you’re going on monk mode. Eat everything you can’t eat during monk mode a day before. Smoke. Lie. Steal. Kill (Insects, animals). Steal mentally (Looking at Peter’s Rolex and saying I also want that). Give in to the urge of your genitals. Force yourself to be on monk mode, (Nobody forces a monk to become a monk, Capisce?)
- DO’S - Trim your skull hair very short as it’ll remind you that you’re on a mission, let that beard grow. (Boys only) take cold showers, because hot water during winter feels good on your body, we don’t want that.
- DO’S during free time - Read (the book you always wanted to read, don’t read erotica, mentioning this because there are people who take me too seriously), write (let your words flow, write any funny incident that happened to you) learn a new language, improve your handwriting. Do something you always wanted to do.
A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind’s demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified to make disciples all over the world. — Text one, Nectar of instructions.
How long is the process?
If you ask me I’d recommend you do a 30 days. but 15 days is a minimum if you want to fall in love with the new version of you.
What after monk mode?
If you did what was aforementioned I am sure you’re feeling better, more confident about yourself, the feeling of conquering the self is in your head. It’s an achievement, so you should celebrate right? “NO!” you would’ve put yourself through a lot in the last 30 days, you don’t want all that to go in vain right?
The good habits that you’ve developed during that period of time, stick with them for your whole life if you think that gives you mental peace. And the bad habits that you’ve successfully gave up, never turn back on them and look at the paper you wrote on your day one, you don’t want to be that person again.
Install social media, one by one, read all those unseen messages, don’t tell them what you were doing all the time you haven’t been online, since you don’t want to lie and break a good habit of yours you can say that you took a break from social media and that you did so it won’t be a lie and you’re good.
Day 1 is the toughest.
DM me on Instagram for any queries or feedback, thanks for you time, I hope this piece provided you some value